

Georgia Counseling, Inc. offers an array of therapeutic services to individuals, families and couples, regardless of age or cultural background.

Clinical Services

We provide counseling to address all needs, including but not limited to the following:


Our team of clinicians have extensive training in providing the following assessments:

  • Mental Health Assessments
  • Substance Abuse Assessments
  • Parental Fitness Evaluations
  • Domestic Violence Assessments
  • Home Evaluations

Community Resources

It is our mission to link our clients to available community resources to address needs of independent living and to assist with developing skills for long term success. Community resources include but are not limited to the following:

  • Referral to Psychiatric Care
  • Assistance with Implementing Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Link to Resources for Food/Shelter
  • Link to Resources for Safety for Battered Women/Children

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